Certificate inquiry system
You can check the validity and authenticity of the certificates through the above system
If you need guidance on how to operate and receive inquiries from the system. Contact the site support.
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Tam Taban Technologies Co
Tam Taban technicians (3T) in the fields of advanced and conventional non-destructive tests, third-party inspections, professional training and welding inspection in the fields of oil and gas, petrochemicals, oil and gas transmission lines, steel, construction, cement , shipbuilding, rail and automobile industries. Tam Taban has the ability to respond to all the needs of respected employers in the mentioned fields by using experienced and certified personnel in the fields of engineering and inspection, who have at least a decade of experience in the welding industry of Iran.
Designed and implemented exclusively for Tam Taban Technologies by AmirJamei. All material, intellectual and publication rights are reserved.